Meet the Ghomans
Evangelist and Women's Ministry Leader

Jesse and Alexandra Ghoman moved to the Lowcountry to serve the Charleston Church of Christ in 2021 with their two daughters, Rosie (5) and Georgia (3).

Before moving to South Carolina, the Ghomans served as ministers for 10 years in downtown Boston and throughout their ministry career they have developed a passion for raising up the next generation and building family and deep community in God’s church. 

Jesse & Alexandra Ghoman
  • Church Leaders
Justin & Rachel Collins
  • Associate Ministers
Ivey & Teri Baird
  • Elder Couple
Dan & Jodi Lile
  • Elder Couple
Ernest & Lynn Govan
  • Elder Couple
John & Delaney Crawford
  • Campus Ministers
Tyne & Kisha Penn
  • Youth & Family Ministers
Melissa Govan
  • Children's Ministry Director